Robotics Process Automation


Robotics Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is revolutionizing the way we think about and administer business processes, IT support processes, workflow processes, remote infrastructure, and back-office work. RPA provides dramatic improvements in accuracy and cycle time and increases productivity in transaction processing while eliminating dull and repetitive tasks.

DENDRITE is an RPA solution provider that has set up a Center of Excellence (CoE) with a dedicated team of architects, business analysts, and RPA specialists. We help clients implement Robotics Process Automation solutions from start to finish. Once RPA solutions have been implemented, we provide go-live support and maintenance support. We train client’s business owners and staff to help them become self-sufficient.

Our team help clients define an RPA roadmap, establish structured approach, and select appropriate tools to build Robotic Process Automation solutions. Once the initial phase is completed, we create a pilot, set an operating model, perform governance, set up the right team, and test the solution for the client.

We follow a six-step approach for Robotics Process Automation implementation:

1. Start with a Proof-of-concept

We choose an activity, configure automation, and screen record the BOT performing the activity. It helps us in evangelizing the concept of robotics in business among the process owners and sharing the vision of RPA.

2. Identify On-board Evangelizers

We identify the first set of functional / operational leaders and supporters of change. These individuals are then on-boarded into core operational committee.

3. Identify Processes

The business leaders with limited practical RPA knowledge and heavy prejudice choose wrong processes and waste significant effort in force-fitting Robotics Process Automation in the process. We help clients choose first set of processes that are critical, as the success of their implementation would lay a precedent for adoption of RPA across other processes in the organization.

4. Use RPA Tools and Quick Win Delivery Methodology

We help you select the right Robotics Process Automation tools based on the nature of your activity. The RPA implementations are faster and its chances of success rise if the configuration is broken into several small incremental configurations and agile methodology is followed. We configure BOT for ‘happy-path’ scenario (scenario with no exceptions or variations throughout), test it, and incrementally add variations and exception handling with immediate testing at each step. The process team members sit alongside the Robotics Process Automation configuration team for frequent feedback and providing input on incremental configuration.

5. Track and Reap Benefits

The business process team takes ownership of tracking benefits through the quantifiable framework based on BOT run logs. When the BOT run process reaches stabilization and when man-hours saving are realized, the business team looks at redeploying / reskilling the manpower. A dashboard is published regularly to bring in accountability and transparency in the success of the program.

6. Plan for Sustainability

Once the first set of implementations are live and the methodologies are tried, tested, and finalized, we design operating model, comprehensive toolkit across the implementation phases, and define governance and performance tracking mechanism. A support mechanism team is built to provide ongoing support to the existing automation and take care of re-configuration in order to accommodate process / application change.

The DENDRITE Tech Advantage

  • Regulatory compliance with minimal IT development
  • RPA Center of Excellence (CoE) with guidelines for assessment, design, development, and deployment of robots
  • Consulting services to clients decide the right tool and approach for the Robotics Process Automation journey
  • Ready-to-use repository of best practices, lessons learned, processes and delivery toolkit, and key enablers for the success of RPA programs
  • Flexible engagement models to carry out cost-effective implementations

Tell us about your idea, and we’ll make it happen.

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